Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(31 in 31 - #5) Invocation*

In honor of International Women's Day...

I was brought up from the earth
Tempered in the flames of the crucible
Quenched in the holy water
And blown clean by the winds of change!

All things merge within me
And flow forth, transformed, through me!
I am the nexus, the fulcrum, the pivot!

My eyes behold the beauty
My ears behold the beauty
My nose beholds the beauty
My hands do hold the beauty
Within me and around me,
Above me and beneath me.

I am the change I see in the world.
I am the chosen one, the awaited one, the prophesied one.
I am still and know truly that I Am!
I move forward in the rush of the dynamic YES!

I am the Daughter of Changing Woman
Bringing the Change to the world!
Sisters and Brothers of Love, Life, and Laughter,
Come and change the world with me!

(and so it is)

*originally created 2/09

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