Oh Great Mother what a weekend!
Friday night, to get the mojo working, I listened to Astarius' Echoes of Eternity & sang along. If you're not familiar with his transformative vocals, visit him at astarius.com - after you've read this entry, of course. ;-)
Saturday the time at work flew by, since everyone & their sister in Southern California decided to call that day! But it kept me busy at least, until my shift ended and I got into the car to drive over to Vista.
As I walked up to the door to the recording studio, I felt a thrill. Ohmahgawds, I can't believe I'm about to DO this!
I walked in and met my mixmaster, a young gentleman named Sean.
"So you're the doctor who's recording today," he said. I laugh. I've tried to explain what I'm going to do several times, but the words are not quite accurate. So I'm just going to have to DO it, I guess... ;-)
So in the little booth, with the microphone a few inches from my face, I counted down from ten, opened my mouth, and began the Singing.
Forty-eight minutes later, the transmissions were finished coming through me. I walked in and found Sean's mind completely blown. "I think we've entered the realm of the Doors," he said to me. (me and the lizard king - aw hell yah! without illicit substances, no less!)
Then came the fun part...naming the tracks, and arranging them for optimum expression. On a Macintosh, just a matter of cutting & pasting. :-)
By this time next week, I will have a CD of my very own. Phoenix~Song is going to take flight!
To celebrate, I followed my recording session with a hearty spat of drumming with my sistahs of the drum in San Diego. (check them out at sdwomensdrumcircle.com, if ya wanna)
So that was Saturday. Now for Sunday...
J-Celt & I carpooled up to Irvine where resides the Goddess Temple of Orange County. They have Sunday Services there every week. Once upon a time, I never would have thought I'd be attending "Sunday Services" on a regular basis, but there you are. ;-)
This week's priestess: the one & only Z. Budapest! For those who don't know, she is one of the foremothers/grandmothers of the modern "Divine Feminist" movement - and you can check her out at zbudapest.com. (So how many of these gratuitous plugs you think I can get away with? lol)
Anyway, she spoke on the state of the Maiden today - the young women who have not yet borne children in our society - and shared with us the stories of Persephone & Joan of Arc in the time she had with us. She stayed afterwards to sign copies of books she'd authored...and she signed my copy of Grandmother Moon. Sweet! :-D
It was a total honor to light the Temple's Maiden candle in her presence. It was a pleasure being a part of the maiden's dance in her presence. (Technically, I am still a maiden, since I haven't borne any children, nor does it look like I will in this lifetime - but that's a topic for another posting.)
As if that weren't enough, I exchanged cards with a couple of representatives from metaphysical shops, one in San Diego, the other in Huntington Beach, which hold workshops on a regular basis! Shaman, present thyself! ;-) That's my next item on the list...visiting these shops & offering my Creation to share with others. :-) The Temple may host one of my Creations in the future, if the price is right...
So now I'm coming down off of this ecstatic high of Movement! in my life.
I have been advised that these twenty-one days, between now & the Equinox, are going to be some very sacred days indeed.
To which I say, More, please - and Thank You!
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