Thursday, January 3, 2008

~m o v e m e n t ~

This is my mantra for 2008.

My body craves movement & activity.
I don't get enough of it at my work.
And I really don't need any other part of my anatomy locking up on me!

So this year I will seek out avenues of gentle movement to improve my flexibility...
There is a yoga studio in town that I'm going to check out, and if I like it, sign up for classes. $10/class is a fair price, eh!
There is also a Pilates studio on the coast that caught my eye, which I will investigate.

I'm also going to move the energies around in my life so I can release the work situation I'm in and bring my prosperity activity into better alignment with my life purpose - in other words, do work that I love!
First on the list: securing time at the recording studio I found last year, then actually going in and seeing what comes through my larynx.

Come the spring I'm going to see if there is a market for my brand of healing/energy play circles. There are several metaphysical shops in my area that hold regular classes & host guest speakers...

Time to put some of this mojo to good work, methinks. ;-)

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