Friday, December 19, 2008

stumbling into yuletide

It certainly feels like that! (lol)

I stepped into the Moon Lodge right after my little launching party - and Mother Bear came out in earnest. If I didn't have to do something right now, I wasn't going to do it. End of conversation!

At first I thought I was feeling the holiday tension more than know, where Nature is calling out to slow down while Society demands that you speed up! So I felt like the grumpy bear floating down the red river.

Then I let myself "dry out" a wee bit too much during the office Christmas party, and felt the sore throat the next day. Aw, nuts. Why now - right before Solstice weekend?!

To learn more lessons about releasing expectations and attachments to outcomes.
To reinforce the idea of putting My*Self first.

So I have slept like the dead for these last few days. I called out sick to work, when I was going to pinch-hit for someone else anyhoo, so it wasn't so bad. And I'm radically redoing my plans for Yuletide...much as I'd love to stick with my agenda, if I DO, I run the risk of turning this creeping crud into something galloping out of control. And that would really throw a monkey wrench into ze plans!

So a lot of "taking it easy" and "playing it by ear" for the moment.
That which needs to get done, will get done in the fullness of time.
That which does not need to get done, well, maybe I can let it go, for maybe I never needed it to be done in the first place.
Or maybe that's my signal to go to bed now, for another fourteen hours. ;-)

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